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Science of Gingerbread is back at Discovery Cube OC

Science of Gingerbread is back at Discovery Cube OC

The Science of Gingerbread exhibit is back at Discovery Cube OC! We’ve been checking out this fun exhibit for years now – and it’s only gotten better. Nowadays, you can check out the cool exhibit where Taco Bell used to be. As you walk into it, you’ll find yourself drooling over the gingerbread houses that line the walls. Each of these gingerbread houses were lovingly created by members of the community.

Gingerbread house

Science of Gingerbread has some oldies but goodies, including the Annual Gingerbread Competition. This year, you can also see Popsicle Blog’s gingerbread house creation. She’s a fellow a Discovery Cube Mom and all three of her kids helped make it! Now you can see it proudly displayed at the Cube.

Related Post: Hot Wheels exhibit at Discovery Cube

Discovery Cube also has other great activities that the whole family can participate and do together. We got there a little too late for the gingerbread derby, so we’ll have to come back and do that with the Hubster. This activity is the first one that you’ll see as you go into the exhibit, so make sure to take advantage of it.

2015 annual gingerbread derby

Science of Gingerbread Activities

There’s definitely something for everyone at this exhibit – including parents! This year, the following activities are included in the Science of Gingerbread exhibit:

  • Gingerbread Derby Competition (11am, 1pm, & 3pm)
  • Kitchen Chemistry Learning Station
  • Gingerbread Spices Learning Station
  • Build a House Learning Station
  • Hall of Traditions
  • 3D Printing of a gingerbread house
  • Do You Want To Build A Snowman? Science of Snow Stage Show (on select dates only – please see schedule)
  • Cookie Decorating in the Healthy Kitchen (on select dates only – please see schedule)
  • Santa Meet & Greet (on select dates only – please see schedule)
Play cabin at Discovery Cube OC
Gingerbread Spices Learning Station at Discovery Cube //

My favorite activity was listening to the volunteer explain the differences in sugar. I learned SO MUCH about sugar while listening to the Cube volunteer explain to us the difference in the sugars. He compared raw sugar, white sugar, brown sugar and powdered sugar. I won’t give away the end, but suffice to say that this 10 minute presentation will have you looking at sugar in a whole new way.

Explaining sugar molecules at Discovery Cube

Our kitchen science volunteer did a great job at breaking things down for the kids. He went through the differences in sugar, had them come up with a hypothesis on which sugar would dissolve the best in water and then he did the hands-on experiment. The kids just had to mix the sugar into the water with a plastic spoon, but for them, it felt like they were conducting experiments with a real Discovery Cube scientist. They loved it.  The volunteer also talked about sugar molecules, and had these little gingerbread people to show sugar’s reaction in water. This was a little over their heads, but they were happy to be sticking the gingerbread people together.

Build a house at Discovery Cube OC //
Christmas Tree at Discovery Cube OC //

Meet Santa at Discovery Cube Orange County

Santa makes a stop at Discovery Cube on the weekends, during the month of December. You can meet and take a pictures with him! He’s available from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the following dates:

  • Saturday, 12/5/2015 – Sunday, 12/6/2015
  • Saturday, 12/12/2015 – Sunday, 12/13/2015
  • Saturday, 12/19/2015 – Thursday, 12/24/2015
Gingerbread House Contest at Discovery Cube
Science of Gingerbread 2015 exhibit at Discovery Cube OC //
Snoopy Gingerbread house //

Entry into the Science of Gingerbread exhibit is included with your Discovery Cube admission or your Discovery Cube membership ticket. It’ll be at the Cube through January 3rd, so you still have time to visit if you haven’t already. It could also be a fun outing for the kids during Winter break!

Stay up to date on all events hosted by Discovery Cube Orange County by visiting:

[disclaim]This is post in partnership with Discovery Cube OC as a Discovery Cube Mom. All thoughts and ideas remain my own.[/disclaim]

Originally published on December 9, 2015. Last Updated on May 20, 2023 by Pattie Cordova

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