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How to make Ponche Navideño : traditional Mexican Christmas punch

Recipes and Restaurants

How to make Ponche Navideño : traditional Mexican Christmas punch

One of my favorite things about November and December is the amount of deliciousness that comes out of my mom’s, mother-in-law’s and my kitchen. All of our favorite traditional recipes are made, from buñuelos to champurrado, we pull out all the stops to make memorable meals for our families. This year, we’re going to introduce the kids to Ponche Navideño – the traditional Mexican Christmas punch.

How to make Mexican punch (Ponche Navideño) using a simple recipe at home. Great for a big crowd! | #MexicanRecipe #MexicanPunch #ChristmasPunch #TraditionalMexicanPunch #PoncheNavideno #RumPunch #ChristmasRecipes #ChristmasPartyRecipes

Ponche Navideño – Mexican Christmas Punch recipe

Ponche Navideño is served during special meals, including Christmas Eve and the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe. It’s a very fruity and sweet hot punch that is great for family get-togethers. You can serve it as is, or add a touch of alcohol for the perfect adults-only drink.

This Ponche Navideño recipe is super easy to make, and it’s even easier when you start off with Jumex Guava Nectar. You can find this at your local Mexican grocery store for under $2. It takes the place of half of the water needed, and using the nectar saves you from having to cook and peel the guavas.

How to make Mexican punch (Ponche Navideño) using a simple recipe at home. Great for a big crowd! | #MexicanRecipe #MexicanPunch #ChristmasPunch #TraditionalMexicanPunch #PoncheNavideno #RumPunch #ChristmasRecipes #ChristmasPartyRecipes

I invite you to try this delicious hot punch recipe for your next holiday gathering. You can double or triple the recipe as needed by simply multiplying it by the amount of servings that you need. It also makes for the perfect make-ahead beverage because the longer it sits, the better.

Ponche Navideño : Mexican Christmas Punch Recipe


Ingredients for ponche

Tecojote, sugar cane and prunes


  1. Pour the liquids into the pot and then add the remaining ingredients.
  2. Bring to a full boil.
  3. Lower the heat and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Jumex guava nectar

How to make hot punch

Ponche navideno

Como hacer ponche navideño


  • You need equal parts water and Jumex Guava Nectar. The easiest way to do this is simply by adding water into the carton and then dumping that into the pot.
  • Make an adults-only version by adding alcohol before you serve it.
  • Ponche is best served hot alongside traditional dishes such as tamales. Serve in mugs and include a few pieces of the cooked fruit, including the cane.

How to make Mexican punch (Ponche Navideño) using a simple recipe at home. Great for a big crowd! | #MexicanRecipe #MexicanPunch #ChristmasPunch #TraditionalMexicanPunch #PoncheNavideno #RumPunch #ChristmasRecipes #ChristmasPartyRecipes

Originally published on November 5, 2015. Last Updated on January 16, 2019 by Pattie Cordova



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