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Update on UltraShape procedure

Your Best Self

Update on UltraShape procedure

The best partners for this blog are those who fit in perfectly into my lifestyle. That’s why UltraShape makes sense. From the start of my UltraShape treatment to now, I have enjoyed showing you my initial thoughts, what it was like at my first UltraShape procedure, and now, a brief update on what UltraShape has done for me.

ultrashape machine

UltraShape has continued to be a completely painless body-contouring procedure. I go into the office, lie down for about 25 minutes, and I’m done before I know it. It’s so quick, simple and effective.

Side view of UltraShape patient

UltraShape before pictures

I have noticed a difference in my belly, and the Hubster has too. He is not one to take it easy on me when I ask him a question about anything, including my body. Many times, he has said that he can see a difference in the way my stomach looks. So I know that if he notices, it must be pretty major.

My UltraShape experience is coming to a close soon as I’m waiting for the final look to come to light. Full results should show about six weeks after the last procedure. Meanwhile, I’ll keep drinking a lot of water, and I’ll stay away from alcohol and Tylenol.

I invite you to watch the video to get a better idea of what I have gone through, and check out our other UltraShape posts in this series so you can see where I started. And make sure to stay tuned for the final post in this series! If you have any questions on anything regarding UltraShape, please leave your questions in the comments below. I’ll try to answer them the best I can.

[disclaim]This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and UltraShape blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.[/disclaim]

Originally published on September 30, 2015. Last Updated on October 12, 2015 by Pattie Cordova

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