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UltraShape Before and After pictures

Your Best Self

UltraShape Before and After pictures

I started on my UltraShape road on July 16, 2015 as part of my ambassadorship with UltraShape. Back then, I was just one week into Bikram Yoga practice, and I couldn’t wait to see the “after” photos. Slowly, but surely, changes started happening. It started with practicing yoga four to five times a week. I stopped drinking alcohol, pumped up my water and kept my vegetarian diet. I did three UltraShape procedures and then I waited for the final results to happen. And they did.

After UltraShape procedure

The change had been so gradual that I never really saw it happening. The hubster would comment that my belly looked flatter, and I believed him but I couldn’t see it yet. Looking at my UltraShape before and after pictures now, I can see it.

Before after UltraShape

Before and after pictures (side view) of UltraShape

UltraShape worked, between my diet, practicing Bikram yoga and drinking a lot of water. I still get super bloated, but I think that’s just the nature of my body. And although I had some mild cramping (though I haven’t confirmed that it’s because of the UltraShape procedure), everything about UltraShape was completely painless.

RELATED POST: My first UltraShape procedure

I would highly recommend UltraShape to anyone looking to get rid of stubborn body fat. You have guarantee that the body fat won’t come back into the places where the procedure has been done. It’s the perfect investment in your body!

For me, it was a procedure that undid some of the damage that I created after going up to 200 pounds in each of my pregnancies. It was about a 75 pound weight gain. Of course, it had to come off. And it did – but it took a lot of work.

Pregnancy weight gain

So now, almost three months after my first UltraShape procedure, I am still at the same weight but my body has become more muscular, fit, and my little pooch from the babies? Almost gone. I can wear those cute little dresses with the elastic waist and not have to worry about looking like I’m five months pregnant. It’s such a time saver.

Pattie Cordova

I invite you to watch the video to see my final thoughts on the UltraShape posts in this series. If you have any questions on anything regarding UltraShape, please leave your questions in the comments below. I’ll try to answer them the best I can.

Thanks for joining me on this journey!

UltraShape procedure post #1

UltraShape procedure post #2

UltraShape procedure post #3

This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and UltraShape blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.

Originally published on October 12, 2015. Last Updated on December 2, 2019 by Pattie Cordova

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