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Cheesy breakfast quesadillas and our weekend breakfast

Recipes and Restaurants

Cheesy breakfast quesadillas and our weekend breakfast

Weekends are made for long breakfasts and family time around the dining table. Our cheesy breakfast quesadillas are served along with an easy continental breakfast family style so that everyone can grab what they want (and leave what they don’t want) making it a hassle-free meal with time better spent talking about the week, upcoming activities and funny stories that might have not been shared during the craziness of Monday through Friday.

Easy continental breakfast family style

We always like to make one dish that becomes the highlight of the meal and keep all the other foods staples that we know the family will like. This week, we made breakfast quesadillas. We picked up all of our necessities (with the exception of cilantro and fresh fruits) at our local Big Lots. They have this massive refrigerated section that has both cold and frozen foods at great prices.

Refrigerated foods at Big Lots //

After picking up our refrigerated must-haves, we filled in the gaps by visiting their bread section (a whole pack of bagels for only $1.40!), tortillas, granola, coffee and juice (just like the one we used for our ponche Navideño). It was an easy shopping trip that took less than 20 minutes – including check-out time!

Breakfast buffet food ideas

We like making these cheesy breakfast quesadillas because they’re really easy and really fast to make.

Cheesy Breakfast Quesadillas

Makes 2 quesadillas


  • 6 eggs
  • 4 whole wheat flour toritllas
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese
  • 1 cup cilantro


  1. Break eggs into bowl and whisk. Pour into pre-heated pan and cook.
  2. Add cilantro before flipping eggs over to finish cooking
  3. Gently cut cooked egg omelet from pan and place on wheat tortillas
  4. Add 1/4 cup shredded cheese
  5. Top with second tortilla
  6. Place in toaster oven for two minutes. We used the “toast” medium setting.
  7. Remove from oven once it’s finished toasting and let sit for a two minutes.
  8. Once quesadilla is set, cut using kitchen shears. It’s the fastest and cleanest way of doing it (and it won’t burn your fingers).
  9. Serve immediately with a side of sour cream.

how to make breakfast quesadillas

How to make eggs in pan //

Breakfast quesadilla

Egg breakfast quesadilla

How to make egg quesadilla for breakfast

Make quesadilla in toaster oven

Quesadillas for breakfast

cheesy breakfast quesadilla

We finished setting our table by adding bagels and cream cheese, yogurt topped with granola, Cafe Bustelo coffee and creamer, and two juice options.

bagel and cream cheese

yogurt parfait with granola

coffee in expresso cup

We love having our continental breakfast on the weekends because it gives us time to relax and really just chill out as a family. Best of all? It makes for a very Instagram-worthy post.

Instagram worth breakfast brunch

Breakfast buffet food ideas

Originally published on January 28, 2016. Last Updated on January 3, 2018 by Pattie Cordova

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