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Snack Time: gopicnic ready-to-eat meals and little me tea

Recipes and Restaurants

Snack Time: gopicnic ready-to-eat meals and little me tea

My six year old finishes his Kindergarten day completely famished. He comes home and is just starving, all day – every day. So on a recent trip to Expo West, I had the opportunity to pick up some new favorites.

after school snacks for vegetarian kids

My favorite feature about these products is their ease of transportation. I stick the juices in the freezer and by the time I pick up my kid from school, they’re defrosted and perfect for an after-school snack at the park. The ready-to-eat meal is full of well-put snacks that give the kids plenty of protein and fiber. Lastly, the sparkling water is just the pick-me-up that I personally need.

Hummus & Crackers: A GoPicnic Ready-to-Eat Meal // #expowest
Hummus & Crackers: A GoPicnic Ready-to-Eat Meal // 380 calories – 19g protein – 7g fiber

GoPicnic Ready-to-Eat Meal: Hummus & Crackers

GoPicnic has made an amazing product that is perfect for both vegetarian and non-vegeatarian kids! It’s the type of ready-to-eat meal that would be wonderful for the kids to take with them on a field trip, for lunch, or on a family outing. Each meal has a specific theme and many of them are also gluten-free AND vegetarian!

The foods in GoPicnic all-natural meals contain no trans fats, no added MSG, and no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Each meal contains five individually-wrapped food items, plus utensils (if needed) and at $4.99 each, it’s a meal that won’t break the bank.

GoPicnic vegetarian meals // #expowest

The Hummus & Crackers GoPicnic meal the kids enjoyed featured Wild Garden Hummus Dip, Crunchmaster Multi-Seed Crackers, Sweet Perry Orchards Baja Blend Fruit & Nut Mix, Sweet Perry Orchards Power Play Tasty Seed Blend, and Professor Zim Zam’s Extraordinary Sweets Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt. The kids enjoyed every bit of the snacks, and they were full!

little me tea // 25 calories – 6g sugar | Mountain Valley Sparkling Water

little me tea and Mountain Valley Sparkling Water

Every after-school snack needs a little beverage to wash it down with. Our choices for this day were little me tea boxes for the kids and Mountain Valley Sparkling Water in blackberry pomegranate for me.

My kids have been enjoying tea since they were babies, especially since I’ve never been a big fan of juice. These particular little me tea boxes have an antioxidant-rich blend of white, rooibos, chamomile & hibiscus teas sweetened only with fruit and vegetable juices (30% or less). They also do not contain caffeine or added sugar, plus, they’re gluten free!

My particular drink was just what I needed on that warm day. It was a perfectly refreshing beverage with zero calories, but still big on taste. I’m a huge fan of sparkling water because I get that “soda” taste without the calories or heavy sugar.

Boy drinking little me tea // #expowest

I invite you to check out these scrumptious snacks next time you’re at your local grocery store or specialty health store – and let me know what you think!

// Resources //

GoPicnic Meals $4.99 each
little me tea $32.31/30 count
Mountain Valley Sparkling Water $36.95/24 count

Originally published on April 11, 2014. Last Updated on August 9, 2017 by Pattie Cordova

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