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Letting go of lunch art with Mott’s Snack & Go

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Letting go of lunch art with Mott’s Snack & Go

[disclaim] This blog post is sponsored by Mott’s and SocialMoms. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. [/disclaim]

Breakfast, school lunches and after-school snack time took a wrong turn when I realized that the idea of creating a thoughtful and creative idea was easier said than done.

Mott's applesauce pouches in three different flavors

Let’s face it, I never had a fighting chance. I’m a horrible cook, absolutely zero creativity in the kitchen and I hate spending more than 15 minutes making any type of edible meal. If you think about it, it’s incredibly likely that you’ll spend twice as much time making a meal as the family and kids will take in devouring it. With this type of outlook, my kids were going to get lucky if they had a full sandwich in their lunch boxes.

Latino boy walking to school with backpack and snack for lunch

Nevertheless, I gave it a try. I hopped on Pinterest and set the bar high. I wanted my kid to know that I loved him via his food. I wanted him to show his friends the artistry that his mamí put into an every day lunch. In my delusional world, I wanted breakfast served on the table with 15 minutes to eat before rushing out the door. And when he got home from school, I wanted him to sit at the table, tell me about his day and just nosh away at whatever pretty plate I had put together. Knowing myself, I guess I should feel lucky at the fact that it lasted a week.

Mott's portable applesauce pouches snack in drawer for easy school lunch

It wasn’t long until those egg and pancake breakfasts turned into smoothies in the car; made even easier by tossing in frozen fruit, Mott’s® Snack & Go Natural applesauce pouches (they have no sugar added and are an excellent source of vitamin C) and pouring it into a mason jar. I made myself feel better by popping in a pretty stripped paper straw. Instant cuteness.

I kept the pretty lunches going a bit longer by assembling them the night before… and then I got tired of falling asleep so late and before I knew it, he had a constant flow of lunch money going into his school account. Every once in a while, I’ll throw in a Mott’s® Snack & Go Strawberry applesauce pouch into his backpack and call it a day. Those days when my kid has ceramic class after school and he can just chill out with a pouch on one hand while he relaxes waiting for his class to start, I know that he’s thinking how awesome of a mom he has at home.

Latino boy eating Mott's natural applesauce in pouch

Of course, I still have a preschooler at home who does his fair share of “school work.” He chills out at my desk, practices holding his pencil by doing mazes, and is super sweet to me – even when I’m too exhausted to put together a nice looking lunch. Which, quite frankly, is most of the workweek. He prefers the Mott’s® Snack & Go Original applesauce pouches, and I know this because it’s the one he most reaches for in the snack drawer.

Latino boy doing schoolwork

So there it is. I had the best intentions, the best inspiration but not even the best me could keep up with the army of moms who moonlight as lunch artists. Thank goodness for fun, on-the-go pouches that are perfect for on-the-go kids. Mott’s Snack & Go is the same applesauce you love and trust too! So throw them in a blender, backpack and lunchbox and know that you’re giving them goodness they’ll love.

Mott's snack pouches

[disclaim] This blog post is sponsored by Mott’s and SocialMoms. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. [/disclaim]

Originally published on May 11, 2015. Last Updated on May 15, 2015 by Pattie Cordova

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