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Switch to Block and PAY HALF what you paid someone else

Life in Orange County

Switch to Block and PAY HALF what you paid someone else

[disclaim]This is a sponsored post in partnership with H&R Block. All thoughts and ideas remain our own.[/disclaim]

Last month, H&R Block ran an amazing promotion for all the tax season early filers – they gave away $1,000 to 1,000 H&R Block customers! I loved following their hashtag online, #MasConHRBlock, because I got to see so many happy faces holding up those giant checks for $1,000. Can you imagine?! What a surprise that must have been.

That awesome promotion ended last month, but now, H&R Block is keeping the fun going through tax season with their new – “Half off” promotion.

Switch to block and pay half campaign // H&R Block //

Switch to Block and PAY HALF what you paid someone else last year

H&R Block wants you to get back more of that tax refund! So if you filed with someone else last year, bring your receipt to an H&R Block office before March 31st  and you will pay only half of what you paid for your tax preparation in 2015. Walk in, call 800-HRBLOCK (800-472-5625), or visit to make your tax preparation appointment today. Offer good February 22-March 31.

There’s some fine print, like: Customers are subject to $100 minimum charge. At participating locations. Valid for new clients only. Must present valid receipt for 2014 tax prep fees from tax preparer other than H&R Block. BUT, if you paid a crazy amount like anything over $250, then you’re saving $150! So really, it’s like adding an additional $150 to your tax refund money.

Filing taxes at H&R Block // Choosing a tax professional checklist //

You can find more information about the promotion on, and to facilitate your tax returns preparation, I strongly suggest you make your H&R Block appointment online so you can get the attention you need from any one of their 9,000 bilingual tax professionals at their more than 12,000 offices nationwide, with 2,600 located in the heart of Latino communities. Honestly, I’d be surprised if you didn’t have an H&R Block office within a couple mile radius of wherever you live or work. Nowadays, I’m feeling like their offices are like a popular coffee shop – they’re everywhere! Which is really great because that means that you’ll have no problem finding an appointment slot that works for you in an office nearby.

Switch to H&R block and pay half campaign // H&R Block //

And once you’re done filing your tax returns you can focus on the really fun part – spending your tax refund! I wasn’t quite sure how much we were going to get back this year, so I just split up our entire tax refund into percentages – I set aside 25% for investments (I’m putting myself in the mutual funds game), 50% to help pay down our mortgage and the remaining 25% will go towards our Summer vacation. Watch the short video below where I talk a bit more about how I’m sending our tax refund, and find out my crazy five year goal.

And just like that, tax season will be a thing of the past – at least for another year. We’re happy to have partnered with H&R Block this year to help guide you to get the biggest tax refund possible, how to prepare for tax season, how to choose your tax professional and we even shared a couple of ideas on how to give back to the community. And now I want to hear from you in the comments below – how are you spending your tax refund? 

[disclaim]This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of H&R Block and Latina Bloggers Connect. The opinions and text are all mine.[/disclaim]

Originally published on March 24, 2016. Last Updated on March 25, 2016 by Pattie Cordova

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