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What you need in a first aid kit

Holiday Events in Orange County, CA

What you need in a first aid kit

[disclaim]Our familia loves Target and we’re happy to be partnering with them for #TheCVSDifference campaign.[/disclaim]

CVS Pharmacy inside

As you know, we do our part in supporting CVS Pharmacy inside our local Target. It literally has anything that we need for our health – including our first aid kit supplies! With all the earthquake warnings we’ve been having in Souther California, I figured it was the perfect time to make sure our kit is fully stocked. Here’s what we put in ours:

First aid kit supplies

  • sterile gauze pads
  • adhesive tape
  • bandages in different sizes
  • elastic bandage
  • antiseptic wipes
  • antibiotic ointment
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • hydrocortisone cream (1%)
  • acetaminophen and ibuprofen
  • tweezers
  • sharp scissors
  • safety pins
  • disposable instant cold packs
  • alcohol wipes
  • ethyl alcohol
  • thermometer
  • plastic non-latex gloves
  • flashlight and extra batteries
  • a blanket
  • mouthpiece for administering CPR
  • our emergency preparedness plan

We purchased a starter first aid kit at CVS Pharmacy inside Target because of the convenience and the cute container. However, we do end up using a few items here and there, and the first aid kit seemed to be missing a couple of things that we find to be useful. So we just added to it!

how to make a first aid kit with supplies purchased at CVS Pharmacy. Find them now inside your local Target. -

And I can’t help it – we always buy way more bandages that we need because the selection is just too freakin’ cute.

how to make a first aid kit with supplies purchased at CVS Pharmacy. Find them now inside your local Target. -

how to make a first aid kit with supplies purchased at CVS Pharmacy. Find them now inside your local Target. -

And with two kids in the house, I also make sure that there is a kid-friendly version of the medicine that the adults in the house use.

how to make a first aid kit with supplies purchased at CVS Pharmacy. Find them now inside your local Target. -

All the other supplies, I’m happy to buy either name brand or Up & Up branded because I know that I can use my Target red card at the CVS Pharmacy inside the Target and save 5% on my purchase.

how to make a first aid kit with supplies purchased at CVS Pharmacy. Find them now inside your local Target. -

how to make a first aid kit with supplies purchased at CVS Pharmacy. Find them now inside your local Target. -

how to make a first aid kit with supplies purchased at CVS Pharmacy. Find them now inside your local Target. -

The CVS Pharmacy inside our Target is a condensed version of the fabulous CVS Pharmacy and it has all the first aid kit supplies we need. Next time you visit, make sure you also purchase a smaller first aid kit for your car and another to take with you on your travels.

Latina blogger shopping at CVS

Also, if you have a prescription you need filled, remember that CVS Pharmacy has a leading ExtraCare loyalty program and the opt-in ExtraCare Pharmacy & Health Rewards that alows patients to earn $5 in ExtraBucks Rewards for every 10 prescriptions filled. Patients can also earn rewards for the other things they do to stay healthy, like getting immunizations or choosing email refill reminders.

What is in your first aid kit?

Leave your answer in the comment below!

Originally published on October 31, 2016. Last Updated on August 1, 2017 by Pattie Cordova

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